Conversion Services
The proper planning, execution and validation of an electronic data conversion is critical to its success. Our experience with over one hundred data conversions provides us the ability to guide and support our clients through every stage of the conversion process.
Existing Data Review
Data Mapping
Data Migration
Data Cleaning
Validation and Reconciliation
Data Extraction
Prior to conversion, it is important to know what integrity and balancing issues are currently in the existing production system to identify when and how they should be handled. AAC works to minimize cleanup effort required by the firm prior to the conversion by:
Analyzing current data to identify potential issues
Prioritizing issues and recommending the best course of action
Identifying issues that should be addressed in the datamap for cleanup during the conversion
Data mapping is the cornerstone of a successful conversion. AAC will develop and refine a data map that allows your firm to take full advantage of the features of your new system with a focus on:
Using the analysis results from the Data Review
Guidance on system setup code decisions
Review and refinement of code translations
Databases are complex and the process of moving and manipulating data can be complicated. AAC provides proven and effective solutions for keeping this process under control, including:
Identification of migration requirements
Development of a detailed migration plan
Accurate translations into the proper database structures
AAC can help you make adjustments in order to optimize your data during the data conversion process, ensuring the cleanest and most efficient database possible for the start of your new system. Some of these adjustments might include:
Translation, elimination or consolidation of setup codes
Consolidation and reduction of duplicate addresses
Cleansing of inconsistent data
The accuracy and quality of converted data is critical. AAC has the processes and tools to verify the results of your conversion, with a focus on:
Identification of incomplete data, whether by error or omission
Validation of converted data per data map guidelines
Verification of data integrity in the new system
Balance checks between database and legacy reports
The source data for any conversion is an important component. The presentation of legacy data in a clear, usable format is critical to a successful conversion. AAC has performed many data extractions from a variety of sources and can provide the following:
Creation of data extraction layouts to/from a variety of sources
Cleansing of data extracts as necessary to ensure reliable data
Review of data extractions performed by other vendors
Service BundLe (Fixed Fee) Offerings
Similar Address Cleanup
Does your system contain multiple addresses within a client or a vendor where the address data is almost the same, but not quite? To help identify the extent of this issue, AAC has developed a Service Bundle Offering (SBO) – Similar Address Cleanup. This service package will provide your team a report showing similar addresses within a client or a vendor and related activity information. Additional assistance can also be provided on how to perform cleanup with a combination of programmatic and manual review steps.
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